Friday, October 20, 2006

I pity Them...

Frankly speaking..
I pity those emos and goths..
They're so full of themselves and always mopey..
C'mon...go get a grip..
Get a life...A REAL ONE..
I bet they don't even know the real meaning of emo..
I'm fine with people being depressed and mopey and stuff..
But overdoing it? Not a good idea...

They say emos and goths are those very sad depressed people who is lack of attention... my opinion..They are LOA and attention seekers.
I mean..sure you want to stand out in a crowd..
But putting more mascara and eyeliners are not exactly a correct term to suit their 'manly' self...
They say these people are shy but they want attention.
How's that even possible at the first place?
You have to work to gain something..
So if you're is it possible you can get the amount of attention you want or 'need'?

They even have 'meeting' for these types of people..
Parading their clothes and the so-called true feelings..
Swt!! Goth is like Art..
Just because everyone is doing it..
You don't have to do it..
'Nightmare Before Christmas' is a real art..
It's lovely..And I love it!
But I did not hang it on my phone coz everyone is doing it..
But I hang it simply coz it's an interesting art..
Something that I like to see..
But them??
Don't you just see LOA dumbass parading and meeting together?
If you're so depressed and stuff...go and commit suicide..
Cut things short..
We don't have to sore our eyes seeing the ultimate 'pain and sorrow and depression' parading around the mall..
These people has totally deterred the real meaning of black, depression, goth and 'Nightmare Before Christmas'.
And what can be even more amazing is..
What a disgrace...and they still acknowledge themselves as muslims??
The girls are wearing short skirts...and the boys are wearing eyeliners..
That is what that really offended me..
Might as well called themselves atheists because it's a disgrace for God to even look at them as His followers..
I am not being a racist here..
But regardless of what your religion is..
If you see people from your religion doing this..
You'll think the same way righT?

And presenting to you...The President...
Swt!!A true definition of uncivilised society....
C' have to have a limit in doing something..
And I think these societies just crossed the limits..
And making a total idiot of themselves..
And what's worse than these societies....
are those who claim to be a part of them..
But I barely see any connection...
It's all about the trend...
Because everyone is doing it..
You have to do it..
So shallow-minded..
Then next time all of us should wear chain with big locks on our necks..
And let's see if any are following the trends..
Because 'everyone is doing so'...
I could imagine very clearly in my head..
It's like a parade where a moron jumps off a bridge and thousands are following him because the person before him is doing it.

You get the ideA??

The pic speaks for itself..
The 'Epitomy Of An Emo Kid'..
I wonder if all the followers in Malaysia even knows what's the meaning of 'epitomy' at the first place.
And I wonder if such word even existed..
Coz it is not in
At least I make an effort to find out the meaning instead of jumping into conclusion that what they're doing is as they called it 'COOL'...
In this pic..I just love the emo hair..
But when they're overdoing it like the president (or as he claimed himself) in the pic above.
It's not all that pretty..
And then the hicky...ewww....You don't have to display your affection to the public..
We don't even want to know..SERIOUSLY...
What the hell do I care whether your lover is a good neck-sucker or love-biter..
I already have my own life to be mesisng up with..(not that it's not messed up..thank you very much)
And then..shirt that barely fits him?
See??That proves that they are indeed uncivilised human beings..
We do not live in poverty..
Go find clothes that actually fits!!
And I thought I saw the wrong thing..
But emo peoples wear 'pins near crotch'..
For what?
To secure your you-know-what from falling out of your 'woman's designer jeans'?
And raggedy old converse..
I know sometimes we wear things until it is worn out and torn...and sometimes until it doesn't look like itself when you first bought it...
But this ??
C'mon...I would like to emphasise again..
What sense does it make that you have to wear something old and barely fits you to look 'in' or as they define it 'cool'??

I would rather spend my money and time for designer labels than old raggedy converse and shirts that barely fit me...
But hey..It's just me talking..
And this is my blog..
I have the full right to write about anything..
And I chose You@!!!

Ouh yeah...if anyone hates this post..
Spare both of us the horror..
Go away and come again when I post a new post..
Save both of our time and saliva (metaphorically)

Signing Out,
I think They're Stewpid!

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