Sunday, September 17, 2006

Trip to Brunei

So as we were heading back to Malaysia..
On a very long trip from Mecca..
We stopped by at Brunei to rest for one day.
So, we get to kill 2 birds with one stone..
A vacation and a trip to do some religious stuff...

So...this is some pics I included..
Need more info..come see me...

Pak Agus, Abang Nazzron, Muaz and Pak Lang..
Total posers at Royale Galleria in Brunei.
That's just a pic outside coz no camera is allowed inside.
And there's this crowning place for the new king and the whole thing was made from gold.
Even the crown holder is gold, and the cat statue, and the stick, and the cHair and the 'thing' I dunno what it is called...EVERYTHING!!

Daddy said they're too effing rich that they need to waste money on everything.
Their population doesn't even reach 1 million so money are spent relentlessly.
The university there is no one actually have to pay for it..
And onviously the school is..
And there's no welfare over there..since everyone is filthy rich.
But I still think they're way outdated in fashion and development.
It feels like going back to KL in the years of 90s.

This is the whole 'tribe' that was in the trip to Brunei.
A lot huh?I barely knew half of them..
Still at Royale Galeria tho'....

Ok..that's the primary school of Kampung Air.
There's people living on the water and it seems that the tour guide told us that Brunei used to be on water..
But the sultan encourages the people to move on land..But some insisted on water..Don't ask me why...
So there's like 'Brunei Darat' and 'Brunei Laut'.
But trust me..the houses may look old and worn..they are still f-king rich...You can see like hundred of cars lining on the land and the tour guide claimed it's those Kampung Air's ppl's cars.

And I also got to know that over there..the cars are like cheap..couldn't recall how much..but it seems that you can get a Benz for like 40,000 to 80,000 Brunei dollar or something.I hav eno idea..GO ASK THEM..and I think they don't practice tax since they're too rich they don't need the ppl's money.We should go and attack Brunei!!
(ok..joking only)
This is what I mean by old and worn house.
But still, how can they renovate a house on water?
And most of the houses have Astro.
Now who's outdated?
And they have 75 primary and secondary schools in the Kampung Air.. see this mosque?
The roof there is made of 24 carat of gold..
And they have 29 of the same type of roof.
Do you still need more proof on how filthy rich they are?
It seems that the 29 roofs are made from 24 carat of gold each..and it resembles all the 29 sultan that used to rule Brunei and the one currently ruling Brunei.
But I couldn't help to laughed at how dad jokingly said.." What if the current sultan die? Then have to add a new roof to the mosque?"
Coz it shows how many sultans have and currently ruling Brunei.

That's the same mosque at night.I knwothe pic not clear..
Too lazy to change..So bear with it.

Till then...

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