Saturday, June 30, 2007

~ Saya di'tagged'~

I've been tagged by Wei Guan.
Didn't know it till today when Iona told me about it.
It looked so fun!
(and long)
Neways, here it is.

[Seven Things I'm Thinking About Now]
1. Why I like to be in trouble?
2. How upset are Mom and Dad when they found out about me going to Mamak last Friday?
3. Kenapa la orang kadang-kadang tak faham the truth yang ada kat depan mata mereka?
4. Is my brother in the phase of sexual confusion?
5. Am I weird?
6. Why am I always a step forward or a step backward when it comes to feeling?
7. Am I an attention-seeker?

[Seven Things I'm Worrying About]
1. Add Math
2. How much I've changed
3. How much I've drifted apart from people.
4. My History notes
5. Laporan aktiviti2
6. Homework on the table yang berlambak-lambak
7. Current financial status

[Seven Things I’m Happy About]
1. Loving friends who're always there for me
2. My bro is not gay (lol!)
3. I'm back to being close to Afiq again
4. I managed to run away from debate next week
5. I got a new flip flop and got to go shopping today
6. Listening to my brother singing Dewi (my cute and adorable 7-year-old brother)
7. Random happy things

[Seven People I Treasure]
1. Dad
2. Mom and siblings
3. Teachers
4. Best friends
5. Friends
6. Myself
7. I guess anyone and everyone that I came across in my path of life

[Seven Things I Always Touch or Come In Contact With]
1. Handphone
2. My planner yang mahal tapi worth it.
3. My face
4. My eyelashes
5. Weighing scale
6. Books and files
7. My teeth (Random. I know, but I love my teeth)

[Seven Things I Want to Improve]
1. My skill when it comes to figures.
2. Add Math yang super duper stupid-ified tuh!
3. My faulty languages ( Improve to talking less profanities)
4. My PR skill
5. Procrastination
6. Punctuality
7. Hardworking-ness and kepatuhan terhadap arahan from other people (yes, I tend to ignore people's instruction. Cannot help, I am quite rebellious)

[Seven Things I'm Weak In]
1. Blardy Math and Add Math
2. Shutting Up
3. Ignoring stuffs
4. Listening to instructions
5. Not being such a worry ass
6. Remembering stuffs
7. Spending money carefully

[Seven Things I Adore Eating]
2. Chocolate
3. Ice (yes, I eat ice)
4. Junk food
5. Mom's cookings
6. Banana Pie!!!
7. Sweets?

[Seven Things I Adore Drinking]
1. Cold drinks
2. Anything with limau
3. Mango juice
4. Coffee-taste drinks
5. Sky juice
6. Honeydew juice
7. Apple juice.

[Seven Things I Detest]
1. Not enough time
2. Know-it-alls
3. Orang yang suka benci orang lain (takde kerja lain ke?)
4. Backstabbers
5. Dusts.
6. Dolls.
7. People who invades my space

[Seven Things I Cannot Live Without] - these excludes the necessities to surviving in life like air etc.
1. Mirror
2. Toilet
3. Food
4. Drinks
5. Clean air
6. Fan/ air cond
7. My mouth (no mouth cannot talk. I tak tahan not talking)

[Seven Things I Fear to Show]
1. What I really think of certain things
2. My true feelings
3. How much I dislike it when people go against my opinion
4. My irritation towards something
5. How ignorant and self-conceited I can be at times
6. What I really think of something
7. My secrets

[Seven Things I Want to Do]
1. Sleep
2. Get more weekends
3. Get all my works over and done with
4. Smack those stupid people on the faces real hard
5. Move out of the house and be independent
6. Get a boyfriend
7. Go shopping till I drop

[Seven Things I Wonder About]
1. Why I like to hurt the ones I love?
2. Why is there such things as Add Math and Math?
3. Why there's only 2 days of holidays in a week?
4. When is the next holiday?
5. What will happen if I do this or that now?
6. Can become psychiatrist or not?
7. Whether Dad could afford my big ambition?

[Seven Questions I Hope My Friends Would Respond To]
1. How do they really see me as?
2. How do you get geddamn good in figures?
3. Why don't we appreciate what we have until we lost it?
4. Am I fat?
5. Am I annoying?
6. Is being ignorant to people fun?
7. Why can't a friend of mine like the other friend of mine?

[Seven Things (or People) I Would Love to See]
2. Stars
3. Mecca
4. Cute handbags and shoes
5. Friends
6. New kitten (tired of the old ones. urh, I mean, I want to add more to my family of cats)
7. See the unseen I guess?

[Seven people I should tag]
1. Bernie
2. Caffy
3. Hong Kim
4. Nisha
5. Don't know who
6. Don't know who
7. Don't know who.

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