Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Mrs. Bear

Blogger's Note :
Dear blogders, you may skip this post as it is solely, intentionally meant for Iona and Iona alone.
Why? You've got a problem with that?
She's my best friend.
And it's her birthday.
So go grab your phone, give her a call or sms,
And wish her.
Even better, buy her presents.
Or give her a surprise visit.
Even though I doubt she'd be home with *cough*kancil-driving-her-around*cough*.
Oh and Iona, sorry the post is two days early.
I am too lazy to blog on that day.

Anyway Iona,
My best friend,
My sister from another mother (and father),
My human alarm clock during SPM,
My crazy half,
Today, the 24th of November 2007.
From today, you're officially 17 years old.

Since I know you in Form 3,
Every moment is indeed a delightful and memorable ones.
Eventhough I used to confuse you as Aisha and vice versa,
As years passed by,
You and Aisha are like heaven and earth.
Not the same.
Not a bit.
Both are unique individuals of their own.

Going through ups and downs of these few years of being your best friend,
Never did it crossed my mind to regret what we had.
The staying-up-late sessions online,
The staying-after-school-till-5 sessions,
The phone sessions that could go up to 3 hours sometimes.
Every single thing that we do together.

When both Farahs left in Form 4,
I thought I had to go through my final two years of high school being a loner.
But you came.
Together with Aisha and Daryl and a lot more people.
Like they say, " Patah tumbuh hilang berganti".
But I know, even if you replace them,
You're not the same.
You're different and special.

Surely there are times when we disagree,
Remember the time when you disapprove of me hanging out with this guy (name should not be disclosed for privacy reason),
And I got slightly ticked off about it.
But I know, you're all about having my back.
To just catch me when I fall
Right after having a real good laugh at me.

I love everything about you.
Sometimes when you call me and scream and say crazy things,
I don't want to know why or what.
But I like it when you do it.
The crazy things you do,
They're what that people should not question the reason behind it,
But instead indulge into.

The vibe,
The energy you have,
They're overpowering.
Remember once I told you that you looked like "a big ball of fire coming towards me"?
You're that upbeat.

Surely you had your breakdown moments.
But it's ok.
Cause you and I know better we both have each other's back.

And now you're all grown up.
Having a boyfriend.
Going out on dates (at ding song places, haha!)
Going to be sent off to Sarawak for NS,
Getting to the girly side of the world,

With all these changes in you and in life and in me,
For me, you'll always be Iona
And I will always be Khadi.
We will be best friends forever and boys could never get between us.
Remember the hierarchy of priority.
Me (Best friends)
Wei Guan (brothers)
Aisha (cousins)
and then Kancil (boyfriend).

Eventhough I can be pretty mean about Kancil,
I am more than glad that he made you happy.
Every second of joy you feel, no matter with who or doing what,
Is indeed a pleasure for me to know.
And just a trip down memory lane for you,
Especially on your birthday, my best friend.

-That Crazy Face Of Yours That I Always Adore-

- Your tomboy-ish style that never goes out of place which I will miss for the next 3 months-

- Finishing school would mean no more of Your overflowing camwhore pictures in my camera-

- No more pictures of us together, not as often as before but you'll always be my best friend-

- Your absolutely amazing hair and smile, that I seriously think that guys who do not fall for you are either blind or gay. (reads : Penguin) LOL-

- I hope we still have chances like this to get together, all pretty and stuffs and girly and boast about our boyfriends 5 years from now -

- I'll miss seeing you daily in my life since we don't go to school anymore. And I'll miss Aisha too!-

- Eventhough I have a slight problem with his *cough*fatness*cough* but he is a special one to you and whoever that is special to you is special to me. He better treat you best, cause if you're hurt babe, I'll hunt him down -

After all said and done,
From the bottom of my heart,
Happy Birthday to you Iona.
May everything best happens to you
Because you deserve nothing but the best.

Signing Out,
Yes, I do sound lesbian. But that's what best friends do. And we're so NOT lesbians. Living boyfriends are proof of that statement.
Envy us. Envy us very much.
*evil laughs*

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