Got tagged by Sha.
Name: Khadijah Shamsul
Birth Date: 12th March
Current Status: Taken
Eye Colour: Brownish black
Hair Colour: Brownish black. Orang kata perang.
Righty or Lefty: Lefty and proud of it.
My Heritage: Malay
Fears: Cicak, ghosts and death
My Weaknesses: Not punctual, impatient and procrastinate too much.
My Perfect Pizza: A perfect blend of EVERYTHING.
My Thoughts First Waking Up: Did Mom joked when she said a lizard (or two) just committed suicide under my bed?
My Bedtime: Not fixed. Bila rasa nak tidur, I shall tidur.
My Most Missed Memory: Standard 6, Form 3 and Form 5. Those great, glamorous years.
Pepsi or Coke: Neither. I like Kickapoo!
McDonald’s or Burger King: Depends on mood.
Single or Group Dates: Both. Since I haven't try both.
Adidas or Nike: Adidas! Adidas socks rock!
Tea or Nestea: Tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. Always has been and will be chocolate.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both. But I like cappuccino better.
Smoke: No and not planning to. Bau busuk!
Curse: Quite often nowadays.
Take a Shower: Twice daily
Have a Crush: Yeap2.
Think You’ve Been In Love: I did. And I got all that wrong. False feeling analysis.
Go To School: Used to.
Want To Get Married: If not him, then nope for now.
Believe In Yourself: Occasionally. I have hard time believing.
Think Your A Health Freak: Ha-ha! As if!
Drank Alcohol: No. And never will
Gone To The Mall: Addicted to it
Been On Stage: Yes, and loving it while dreading it. It's a love-hate thing.
Eaten Sushi: Yes. And me no likey sushi. Tak kenyang~
Dyed Your Hair: No. But blonde would be pretty, macam Cik Mimi.
Played A Stripping Game: Not yet, but it'd be fun.
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Don't we all? It's a struggle to be accepted.
To Be Married: When the feeling comes. Age is just a number.
To die: Age is just a number. I want to accomplish my mission in life, and then I can die. Happily.
Best Eye Colour: Green
Best Hair Colour: Jade black
Long or Short hair: Long
Personality: Romantic, caring, responsible, protective. You know, those my-knight-and-shining-armour guy mixed with sensitivity and metrosexuality.
But hey, even if The Boyfriend is not like above, I still prefer him over the dream guy above.
A Minute Ago: Thinking
Hour Ago: Watch TV
4.5 Hours Ago: Watchning TV
1 Month Ago: I think I banged my car into a wall.
Year Ago: Tuition.
I love: to continue to love, but could I?
I feel: mixed fewlings!
I hate: being broke
I hide: secrets
I miss: the old times
I need: strength and guidance
You know, sometimes maybe it's true.
History does repeat by itself.
Remember how I was so against Transformers last year?
And I ended up watching it anyway?
Well, same thing happened again today.
I refused to watch Narnia so much and yet, I ended up sitting for 2 hours in the cinema watching Narnia.
Having watched the movie,
I seriously seriously need to give review on the movie.
It's boring.
I just hate the movie so much that I was asking my sister what time is it, after sitting in the cinema for like, 30 mins.
The plot was moving too slow, and I was bored halfway through the story.
They've got to think of people like me, who didn't bother watching the Narnia-Wardrobe-Thing-Movie and expect people like me to understand Narnia-Prince-Caspian-is-so-sissy-movie.
I abhor Prince Caspian,
except for the last part of the movie.
He, of all the sudden, looked stunningly hot in that turquoise-whatever-thing-he's-wearing.
You know, back then people cakap nak marry anak raja.
Well, after watching this movie,
If the anak raja is going to be like Prince Caspian,
Then no thanks.
I lagi rela kahwin dengan commoners la.
He's so wtf-ishly sissy and soft.
Or simple, like what Iona said, Prince Caspian is gay.
I didn't like the war part, where Narnians (ceewah!) lost and had to retreat.
Far too tragic and sad for emotionally gullible people like me.
I also didn't like the part where Aslan (ceewah!) comes and moving trees start crushing the rock-throwing-machine.
Can't help but to think that the trees might be saying this while they crush the machine thing,
"Oh! Kau guna saudara kami untuk baling batu ye? Oh tidak! Anak saudara belah mak aku! *grabs a random rock-throwing machine*"
Not only that, the whole murdering the Telmarine (I seriously think it sounds like limau mandarin kan?) is just far too much for children like my brother.
It's like saying, if you're bad, you die.
And actually, frankly speaking, the whole war part just freaked the hell out of me la.
Ala, so what if I takut all these war shits?
This is perfectly why Government doesn't send me to NS.
I'll freak myself out there.
Despite the bad review,
I have to say that I enjoyed sitting there for 2 hours because of the excessive cuteness factor.
For a start,
I adore that little mouse.
Reminds me of Puss In Boots from Shrek 2.
Very very cute.
(pic will be up some other time)
I love watching William Moseley.
Who is uber cute and hot.
Hair combed that way,
And how he talks,
is just so worth-sitting-2-hours-of-boredom.
I also love that brother of his.
The younger one.
Got cute factor la!
Tak tahan.
And and,
I also like Aslan.
He's big, and huge and fluffy.
I want a pet lion!
So technically I watched the movie because of the mouse, Aslan, William Moseley and that brother of his (in the movie).
Other than that,
The movie pretty much sucks.
Movie Rating : 3 and a half stars.
P. S : Does anyone notice that Prince Caspian has a really weird, annoying accent that just sort of kills you slowly whenever you listen to him talk?
P.P.S : Oh oh! I also LOVE the OST of that movie. It totally rocks! Should check it out. Super emo. Haha!
History does repeat by itself.
Remember how I was so against Transformers last year?
And I ended up watching it anyway?
Well, same thing happened again today.
I refused to watch Narnia so much and yet, I ended up sitting for 2 hours in the cinema watching Narnia.
Having watched the movie,
I seriously seriously need to give review on the movie.
It's boring.
I just hate the movie so much that I was asking my sister what time is it, after sitting in the cinema for like, 30 mins.
The plot was moving too slow, and I was bored halfway through the story.
They've got to think of people like me, who didn't bother watching the Narnia-Wardrobe-Thing-Movie and expect people like me to understand Narnia-Prince-Caspian-is-so-sissy-movie.
I abhor Prince Caspian,
except for the last part of the movie.
He, of all the sudden, looked stunningly hot in that turquoise-whatever-thing-he's-wearing.
You know, back then people cakap nak marry anak raja.
Well, after watching this movie,
If the anak raja is going to be like Prince Caspian,
Then no thanks.
I lagi rela kahwin dengan commoners la.
He's so wtf-ishly sissy and soft.
Or simple, like what Iona said, Prince Caspian is gay.
I didn't like the war part, where Narnians (ceewah!) lost and had to retreat.
Far too tragic and sad for emotionally gullible people like me.
I also didn't like the part where Aslan (ceewah!) comes and moving trees start crushing the rock-throwing-machine.
Can't help but to think that the trees might be saying this while they crush the machine thing,
"Oh! Kau guna saudara kami untuk baling batu ye? Oh tidak! Anak saudara belah mak aku! *grabs a random rock-throwing machine*"
Not only that, the whole murdering the Telmarine (I seriously think it sounds like limau mandarin kan?) is just far too much for children like my brother.
It's like saying, if you're bad, you die.
And actually, frankly speaking, the whole war part just freaked the hell out of me la.
Ala, so what if I takut all these war shits?
This is perfectly why Government doesn't send me to NS.
I'll freak myself out there.
Despite the bad review,
I have to say that I enjoyed sitting there for 2 hours because of the excessive cuteness factor.
For a start,
I adore that little mouse.
Reminds me of Puss In Boots from Shrek 2.
Very very cute.
(pic will be up some other time)
I love watching William Moseley.
Who is uber cute and hot.
Hair combed that way,
And how he talks,
is just so worth-sitting-2-hours-of-boredom.
I also love that brother of his.
The younger one.
Got cute factor la!
Tak tahan.
And and,
I also like Aslan.
He's big, and huge and fluffy.
I want a pet lion!
So technically I watched the movie because of the mouse, Aslan, William Moseley and that brother of his (in the movie).
Other than that,
The movie pretty much sucks.
Movie Rating : 3 and a half stars.
P. S : Does anyone notice that Prince Caspian has a really weird, annoying accent that just sort of kills you slowly whenever you listen to him talk?
P.P.S : Oh oh! I also LOVE the OST of that movie. It totally rocks! Should check it out. Super emo. Haha!
Signing Out,
So Much To Talk about Narnia but the movie is so unmemorable I forgot what to say.
So Much To Talk about Narnia but the movie is so unmemorable I forgot what to say.
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