Thursday, July 08, 2010

About Old Love

I was just watching 'Australia'. Yes a movie that was released last year. This one actually could compete with Hindi movie, being a 3 hrs and 45 mins movie. Crazy man.

But this movie also taught me something new.

Remember how we all always look at our parents and say 'God, they last really long'. Like my mom and dad, been married for about 21-22 years (i am just assuming, since I am twenty, so they should get married a year or two before i am born. The love of their life!)

Or even those couples who could celebrate their 50th anniversary. You could only say, "God, they must have been sick with each other".

Like my grandparents. My grandmom got married to Granddad when she was 16yrs old. And she passed away when she was 70-ish turning 80. That would be a whooping SIXTY FOUR YEARS! yes. and he loved her and she loved him for every minute of their life. Although they have small quarrels in Banjar language; although incomprehensible, still adorable nonetheless.

But the girl sitting next to you in class, her relationship lasted for 3 months.
The boy down the corner of the class, 5 months.
The girl down the end of your dorm, 1 month.
You get the drift by now.

Even hitting the one-year anniversary already makes you feel so sick and dead bored of the other person; and by the one-year mark, you would have envisioned many not-so-beautiful stuffs. Like secretly imagining strangling him and slamming his head over and over to the car window till he's all squishy. Or imagining having a bulldozer or a military tank and run him over till he's flat, reverse, and run him over, AGAIN.
Or, my most favourite, push him down the long winded staircase like Batu Caves' ones, and then let him roll and die, walk down to the ground and you jump over his head over and over and over again till, well, it doesnt look like his head anymore.

:] Heh.

Of course these are the MANY thoughts you have; partially contributed to how INDEPENDENT and LIBERAL we are today. Especially referring to women, because men have always been so LIBERAL and INDEPENDENT for many gazillion years.

(you wait till we figure out how to mate by ourselves, then we wont be needing you. HEH.)

But back then, love just go through everything. Hence the quotation 'Lautan bara pun sanggup ku renangi" (direct translation : sea of fire, i will swim through).
You've at least watched THOUSANDS of 'challenged love stories'; like Titannic, Pearl Harbour, Devdas, Australia, and Romeo and Juliet. And if you insist, Lagenda Budak Setan (because that story is just tragic; too tragic).

Well, if you haven't, then darling, you are NOT a woman.

But really, i think the true key to surviving a relationship right now, or have that fiery, passionate love with your lover for the next 5 million years would be to be in the middle of the war, or get stuck in a caste system, or have an arranged marriage or inter-religion love.
(this is arranged from the worst case scenario to the least worst case scenario).

You wanna know why?
This is where the juicy part comes.

1) Is he cheating on me?
2) Why didn't he call me tonight?
3) Why didn't he buy me dinner?
4) I think I am feeling distant from him. I think I am losing my love for him.

Wanna know why?
Because, the things that they worry more would be :-
1) Is he dead yet?
2) Will he be coming back in one piece?
3) Would my father kill me and chop me or instruct an honour killing if i flee and run away?
4) Will our families assassinate us if we elope?

Yes. I have revealed to you world's secret to a lasting relationship.


Because there are more important things to worry out there.
At the end of the day, to these people with so much challenge in their life, all they want to do is bask in each other's arms and be comforted by the idea of having one another, a peaceful life and both alive.
Ignoring the insecurities of why he didn't do this and do that and what not.

My grandparents lived through the Japanese Era.
My parents were born with no trust funds. Just pure cold hard sweat; earning every freaking bucks.

That's why they made it.
Because they believe, insecurities is not befitting in their situation.

Now, go and say sorry to your boyfriend or husband or whoever. At least you won't have to worry about receiving a news from some General that your loved one was blown to pieces in some war-torn countries.


1 comment:

Nurul Najihah Yusof said...

salam; kak dijah, i've watched
Pear Harbour & Titanic but totally not Lagenda Budak Setan;

ouchh, I'm not yet a real woman.
and that is, really hurt =]

Just love the way you say "you wait till we figure out how to mate by ourselves, then we won't be needing you". SO TRUE!