Wednesday, June 06, 2007

~Random Blogging~

Well, I've been wanting to post a lot about a lot of things.
Having too much time on my hand gives me the opportunity to do a lot of research.
I did post half way through about the Nobel Peace Prize winner - Muhammad Yunus.
But, the post is still not complete yet due to some personal reasons.
*ehem* lazy *ehem*

And I wanted to post about Asperger's Syndrome.
But got delayed also due to some personal reasons.
*ehem* lazy again *ehem*

But this post is going to be a very short one.
I am promoting this blog

A very very cute blog where people from Canada
will send their deepest darkest secrets
on a postcards which they designed by themselves.
Really, really interesting.

Give you a peek on what people have as their secrets.
Go check it out ok?
Oh, I think it's a new one because only got like one post or something.
And new secrets are being posted every Sunday.

P.S : Maybe they should have one in M'sia too.

Khadi go Blur-rified!

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