Friday, December 07, 2007


Rules and Regulations -
1. Do not copy my answers.
2. The tag questions must be 100% same.
3. If you tag someone, please use this title <(your name) Taggie Attack> (???)
4. Tag people after doing tag.

I have to name 20 people.

1. Daryl
2. Iona
3. Aisha
4. Farah Najiah
5. Hilmi
6. Cherylyn
7. Brendan
8. Malik
9. Jeffrey
10. Suzanne
11. Sarah
12. Kak Piqah
13. Adilah Rohadi
14. Farah Shamella
15. Ariff
16. Afiq
17. Nazzrin
18. Justin
19. Katrina
20. Ryan

How do you get to know 14? (Farah Shamella)
PBSM stuffs. She looked nice. She talked to me first and we went on from there.

What would you do if you had never met 1? (Daryl)
Shit! I shouldn't have put his name first. Uh, I will never be together with him and considering a Chinese boyfriend would be a definite no-no. But I met him so it's a different story.

What would you do if 9 and 20 dated you? (Jeffrey, Ryan)
I'd die of laugh attacks if ever Mr. Snorlex a.k.a Jeffrey dated me. I'd be making jokes of him throughout our date. Ryan, he's not bad, but I'm taken.

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? (Cherylyn and Nazzrin)
That would be a thrill to find out. Cher, want me to hook you up?

Do you think 8 is attractive? (Malik)
Uh, no? I used to hate him. Now we're brother and sister. No attraction there.

Do you know anything about 12's family? (KakPiqah)
Uh, yeaH? We're cousins. She know me from right when I was still in my diapers.

Tell me something about 7. (Brendan)
Innocent look to cover that eccentric dark evil mind of his.

What is 18's favourite? (Justin)
Katrina? LOL. Katrina's his girfriend. He has got to make her his Favourite. No compromising.

What language does 15 speak? (Ariff)
English. Malay. And the language of fashion.

Who is 19 going out with? (Katrina)
This is a trick question. Katrina's going out with Justin. Everyone knows that.

How old is 16 now? (Afiq)
17 going 18 in a month plus plus

When was the last time you talked to 13? (Adilah Rohadi)
This evening. SMS. I miss her!

Who is 2's favourite singer? (Iona)
Uh, Jamie Scott? Wait, I know this. Iona herself. Who wouldn't make themselves their very own favourite singers? I would!

Would you date 4? (Farah Najiah)
I would if I was a guy. She's a great gal.

Would you date 17? (Nazzrin)
Not now. I already have my guy to date with, and i like it this way.

Is 15 single? (Ariff)
The last time I checked he's not.

What is 10's last name? (Suzanne)
Which is the last name? Suzanne? Tey? Su? Zhen?

Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11? (Sarah)
Haha! No. We are sisters. And if I was a guy, still no. She's not my type. LOL

Which school does 3 goes to? (Aisha)
She no longer goes to any school. She USED to go to STAR.

Where does 6 live? (Cherylyn)
Southern Park?

What is your favourite thing about 5? (Hilmi)
His very selamba face and great humour

I would like to tag...

Signing Out,
It's 4 am in the morning.

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