Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Amazing Indeed

"Don't forget to love yourself" - Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher

Greetings fellow blog-ders!
I know I have been very negligent about this blog.
It's been an estimated 2 weeks since my last post is up.
So I was feeling a little guilty for not updating especially with the overwhelming amount of comments in the chat box.

I know I have been lazy to reply comments I got in the chat box.
Heck, I am even lazy to reply comments in Friendster that I got some time last month.
I need to get to that too some time soon.
And don't even get me started on emails.
I don't remember the last time I checked them.

Yes, I am that lazy.

Here's replies to all the comments on the chatbox yang saya rasa dah berkarat menunggu tuan empunya blog untuk reply.

Nora : Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you blog again some time soon. Do drop me the link to
your new blog.

Aisha : Yes, my grammar is a mess. Thank god I am still keeping in touch with you people. Or
not I will have rotten English by the time I enter university.

CtSarah : Blueks!

YinXian : I hope your Valentine's a blast eventhough your boyfriend's not around.

Zanne : We MUST MUST MUST meet up. But when?! Gosh, time envies us that much to allow
us to meet up.

Kar Yee : Teeheehhe!! Thanks!

Sam Shern : I don't do summarizing. And I have always hated summary. Not that I don't hate it
anymore now. Summary should be abolished. Writing is an expression of words,
where words flow like a river. Therefore, it should not be constricted to
that-much-words-shit that they're making students do. Total waste of time to
count the words. And my post long ke short, kalau power nak kena tambah,
kena tambah juga kan? Haha!

Caffy : Tankiuberimuch. GladYouLikeIt.

Aisha : I was searching for Amy Winehouse that day. The song popped out. So I main hentam
download la. Not sure if it's a new song or not. Thought that you would know about it
better. And it's a nice song eh? Eventhough the one part of it is a little bit horrifying la.
And hun, I am born a true jiwang. Yeah! Jiwang for life!

Zanne : Yes, we must meet up before SPM result is out. Or before you start college. Gosh! Time

Dave : Shocking to see you dropped a comment here. Didn't know you still do check out my blog.
And I shall take all that as a compliment. So to you, tenkiuberimuch. P.S : Do quote me,
anytime and anywhere. I am more than honored to have someone quote me. Macam
famous person pula! Haha!

Leny : Hey! You must got my link dari Nora kan? Anyway gurl, need your link so that I can link
you up. Keep on visiting here ok? Hugs!

SiuChern : Didn't know you checked out my blog too! Hey, thanks for the compliment. Keep on
visiting. Take care!


Now that I am done with the comments,
I shall move on to what I want to say.

I am not talking something trivial this time.
Because I just posted what I wanted to say in another blog.
Really, if ever you're interested in what's up with my life,
Kindly visit ShoppingAlone for the updates.
(Eventhough the blog is meant for my best friend, but what the heck la!)

P.S : Sha, tell me if I need to remove the link in case if it's too publicized.

I have been working at that bookstore for nearly a month now.
I have made new friends,
And I hope I did not make new enemy.

But working there gives me more exposure to life out there.
You know, those world that people keep on saying 'the real world, the real world'.
Ah, that one la.

I've got this friend next door to us some time last 2 weeks.
I don't know his name.
Neither does he knows mine.
But we still talk to each other everytime he pays a visit to the loo,
(Don't ask. Somehow we all share the same loo or something. Don't think it as gross)
Or as he is waiting in the bookstore for his late boss.

(Late as in the shop SHOULD be opened at 11.30, but the boss opens it at 12 or 12.30)

This particular guy got me interested the first time I looked at him.
He's a very tall, big-sized fellow.
With a slight 'buncit perut',
And a really long pinky fingernail.
Like really disturbing long.
By far, his is the longest I've seen.

After a few 'hey' and 'hi' and nodding whenever he passes by,
I took the courage to converse with him,
Not long after he started working next door to the bookstore I worked in.

Surely at the start,
The conversations were mainly revolved around
"Lu sulah makan ka?"
and "Wah, hari ini baju lu manyak merah ha!"

We improved to,
"Oi, baca buku kena bayar dulu la!"
"Eh, bayar la RM 4.90 untuk liquid paper tu!"
"Esok wa bawa masuk Carlsberg. Sebab itu sign kat depan cakap XO saja tarak boleh bawa masuk. So, beer semua itu boleh la hor?"

Then to,
"Eh, tauke wa mau pinjam itu majalah Motor Trader kasi bawak sebelah, boleh ka?"
"Eh, lu kasi suruh lu punya bos cari itu CD la. Nanti saya kasi jadi member la."

Then to,
"Eh, jangan lari-lari. Nanti jatuh, lu manyak besar. Tarak orang boleh angkat."
"Haiyah, apa pasal belum balik lagi? Wa tunggu lu balik baru mau pegi toilet. Sekali, belum balik lagi."

Without fail,
Every single day,
If not him, then I would manage to entertain myself,
Just by conversing to him.

Few days ago,
He was waiting for his boss (again) and he waited in our bookstore (again).
The only difference this time, I was mopping the floor and he was all clad in red t-shirt,
Sitting on our red plastic chair.

So I asked him about himself.
Just trivial stuffs.
Which really amazed me.

Beneath that bulky guy,
This one is of the age 25.
An ex-student of Rantau Panjang High School,
He was a school dropout after Form 3.

I posed a question as to why he did not continue up till SPM.
His answer was simple.
He was too lazy to study.

He worked in numerous places before he ended up where he is today.
Has a passion for online games,
He used to work in a cyber cafe,
Which taught him discipline.
To be punctual and to obey the rules.

But he has a stronger passion for the job that he has right now.
He even told me his dream of opening a business based on that interest,
If he got the money to start one.

I could tell he was brought up in a Chinese background,
From the challenge for both of us to converse in proper grammar in Bahasa Malaysia.
Hygiene is also not his best asset.
In fact, he is rather negligent in the aspect of hygiene.
From the way he dresses,
I knew he would never find a Malay girlfriend and convert himself into something else.

Do not get me wrong, I am not discriminating Chinese-educated people.
But that was what I see him as till that day,
Before he rushed outside to help his scrawny boss to open the shop.

It still tickles me till today,
To compare his size to his boss'.
He would easily blow (literally) his boss anytime he wants.
Since he is 5 times bigger than his boss.
But he still respects that boss of his.

He told me, he needs all the experience and knowledge he can get from that boss of his.

The next day,
I was wrapping the novels.
He came and sat next to me.
He wanted to borrow my colleague's handphone.
Because he needed to call Digi Centre.

It seemed that his girlfriend has forgotten the PUK code for that particular handphone.
I asked,
"Wah, sudah ada ah moi ar?"
He replied,
"Haiyah, ini sementara saja mah. Nanti mau tukar la."
I retorted,
"Eleh. Macam laku sangat pulak!"

We both laughed.

After he quickly exited the store some time around 12.15 pm,
I have already know that he has a girlfriend.
Working in an office in Bukit Tinggi.

She is what he said as, " Ok la." when I asked how she looked like.
Some questions I posed that day triggered these responses.
This guy wanted to marry that girlfriend of his,
despite him telling me she is just 'ok la' and that she is 'sementara sahaja'.
He is also saving up money for his wedding.
But what I am about to tell you is the one thing that shocked me when the words were uttered by him.

He said, he wanted to buy a big house and a big car first.
Then he'll get married to the girl.
He wants to be prepared when he marries her.

He definitely changed my perspective of people of his kind.
(Not saying it in a negative way, of course!)

We sat on the same table again.
This time, we were sitting opposite to each other.
As I was wrapping more novels,
He was slowly bitting on his extremely long pinky fingernail.

He asked,
"Lu ada kenal orang jual komputer second hand ar?"

I told him I don't know anyone of such description.
It seemed that he wanted to get a new computer.

I asked him how much would one costs.
He said, around RM 2000,
And eventhough the expression was not clear,
I could see that he's pretty worried about the amount.

I suggested that he sells his old one and use the money to get a new one.
He refused. He claimed that he could use the old spare parts in case if he needed them for his 'new' computer.

He wanted a new computer because he wanted to play online game.
I told him to go cyber cafe.
He retorted, talking about figures and how much he would save.
By now, I know that he is a man who knows how to control himself financially.

We moved on to how come that he does not have an off day since he worked at the shop next to us.
His reply was simply,
"Haiyah, duduk rumah juga boring mah. Lagi hari-hari mau tengok komputer, manyak bosan la. Kalau kerja, dapat duit. Lu duduk rumah dapat apa? Wa kalau cuti weekend pun mau la. Boleh pergi dating. Tapi tarak boleh cuti weekend mah. So kerja la. Boleh dapat duit mah."

By then, I know,
Despite him not having a certificate saying that he is capable of surviving in the real world,
This guy proves to me that he could survive without a mere piece of paper that certified his capability and that he could think maturely even without that certification.

We kept quiet for a while before he continued asking,
"Eh, lu tarak cuti ar 8 mac ni? Kawan-kawan wa semua cuti la. Tauke kasi suruh tutup kedai. Itu shopping mall mana ada cuti punya, tapi 8 mac nanti mau kasi tutup."

I jokingly commented,
"Apa pasal? Semua mau pergi vote ke?"

He said,
"Tarak la. Itu pasal manyak takut nanti ada gaduh-gaduh macam itu hari la. Jadi kasi tutup kedai la."

Then I remembered Hindraf demonstration some time ago.
He did make sense,
And once again impressed me.
This guy knows about the world,
And he doesn't need 11A to prove that he can know about the world.

He then continued,
"Ini olang semua manyak bodoh la. Mau kasi gaduh-gaduh. Kasi buang masa saja. Apa pasal mau gaduh-gaduh? Kita manyak senang faham. Lu faham kita punya bangsa, kita faham lu punya bangsa. Tapi itu orang, kita faham dia punya bangsa, dia tarak faham kita punya bangsa. Manyak susah la."

I just nodded, in agreement of such a brilliant thing said by him.

Sadly, I could not continue more on the conversation,
Because this SPM-result-waiter doesn't know much about politics,
Therefore she is incapable of speaking to a Form-3-school-dropout.

Nevertheless is,
I was really amazed at how different people look once you get to know them better.
I would not have guessed that this particular guy would say something so fruitful like that,
If I never took the trouble to talk to him.

I guess the saying ' Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover' does hold water after all.

I don't know what else to tell.
I'm just merely telling you a story,
Interpretation and morals are up to you to take and interpret.

May we learn something new today.
And improve for the better tomorrow.


Am I allowed to speak about election?
I better not.
Just a small complaint on why is it that people are making such a big hoo-haa out of the whole election thingy?

For me, I think it's better if these people running for candidacy and of different parties,
Team up together.
The whole DAP, UMNO, PAS and whoever else la.

Team up and show the country what you've got.
Like that saying,
"Two brains are better than one."

Then we don't need all these elections and stupid talks and hanging banners thingy,
Because to me, it's pretty much of a waste of time and money.
There are other things that need more attention than election.

But that's just me talking la kan?


Some stupid moron spreaded the rumor on SPM result coming out on the 28th of February.
I would like to say screw the ass of that moron because that rumor is a total penipuan yang telah mengakibatkan banyak kerisauan and ketidakmampuan untuk tidur malam kepada pelajar-pelajar SPM 2007.

Bangang punya orang!
Nasib baik I don't believe it.
Or not, sure mati orang itu la!

Signing Out,
Saya Rasa Ganas.

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