Saturday, June 07, 2008

Counting Days. Day 7.

It's felt like forever since I last went to a wedding ceremony.

I miss the food, the hot stuffy feeling and I miss the feeling of going to a wedding ceremony.

What I needed to complete my end of this episode of life before I start on a new one is a wedding ceremony.

Which explained why I tagged along to my father's friend's daughter's wedding ceremony.

Located in Kapar,

We had to drive for nearly 2 hours to arrive there.

Fully themed in green,

Everything was in green.

From the pelamin, to the people,

Everything down right to the drinks too.

I noticed how Malays are prone to colour-coordinating everything.

Yes, even me.

I coordinate my clothes based on colour.

It's like a Malay thing.

But I digress.

I enjoyed the wedding.

I enjoyed the food.

But what I enjoyed the most was the company.

Times like this make us think of how much we will miss our family once we're gone.

Thanks to the wedding ceremony that has to be located far away,

I was late by an hour for the meetup with my Starfly colleagues.

I went to pick up Kak Riah and Kak Diyana later on.

It's proven. Women have the worst sense of direction.

We were lost for 10 mins before reaching Kak Diyana's house.

Then off to Jusco Bukit Raja for some minor shopping.

I didnt get anything, and so did Kak Riah.

Well, partially because I wasn't in the zone (for shopping) and I went to the same shopping mall twice in the same week.

Kak Diyana was shopping for Father's Day up till 7 pm while Kak Riah and I lazily cruised the same floor for what could have been the 6th time,

Before we all proceeded to the food court for some food.

Well, it was a rather odd choice for me to eat at,

But I didn't mind, because the company matters more.

I sent the two 'anak dara' home by 9.30 pm and spent the rest of the night lazing around the house.

I miss staying at home.

Signing Out,

Bunyi macam sedih

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